The Story

Distance running can be thankless, isolating, and physically debilitating. Why do it, then? I put in the work for those days when everything clicks into place, when my body seemingly forgets it's limits and the run becomes effortless. I'm also working towards overcoming a year-long injury and training for the Olympic Trials Marathon in February. This blog follows that story and beyond, however it may happen.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Driving to California + Last day at RA

Happy New Year everyone! 2015 was a big comeback year for me. I'll look back on it fondly as the year I got healthy again and rediscovered my running.

Things are still going great. I am cranking out the miles and hitting some more speed workouts as I get a little closer to the Trials. I'm more confident than ever. More details to come on this later.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is my last day at Runner's Alley before Ali and I head west to California. We are leaving on Monday morning first thing and driving out there. Running won't be great for those five days or so, but I'll get through it somehow. We'll be out there for at least a few months, living in Vallejo, which is just north of SF/Oakland/Berkeley. Ali will be working as a traveling OT while I focus for the first time in my adult/post collegiate life solely on running. We're both super excited for it.

Cheers everyone! Good to be back on the blogosphere after a brief hiatus. I'll be checking back in with more details on training in the weeks to come.



  1. Perfect! Safe travels to you and Ali and especially safe running. This is a great opportunity at the right time. Behind you all the way, Andrew. xo Lisa

  2. Safe travels and have fun crushing those remaining miles.

  3. Hi Andrew.
    LOCO Mike St. Laurent here. We are so proud of you here back in NH. It is such a treat to see how far you have come and we all know how much work it was to get where you got to. It took a very mature person to be able to step to the line even though you knew you were not able to race or even run the whole thing. Your perspective on all of it is so very demonstrative of the nice young person we saw grow up in NH with Kevin and Robyn... From a personal perspective I am envious that you made it that far to the trials. For about 10 years back in the late 70's and 80's I thought if I trained hard enough maybe I could do a 2:21 to get in. No luck. Ran 2:30's and never got any faster! Suffice to say I still think fondly of those days when I was running the big miles and enjoying the ability to push myself to the limits. It is just so cool that we knew you as a kid and now see you in the Trials. I hope you enjoy running for as long as I have - going on what 46 years now... and I still get nervous before races and hope to "place" with the geriatrics - yes I am now 60. Anyway have a great life out there in Califor NIA and be cool and wishing you get better soon.. LOCO Mike

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