The Story

Distance running can be thankless, isolating, and physically debilitating. Why do it, then? I put in the work for those days when everything clicks into place, when my body seemingly forgets it's limits and the run becomes effortless. I'm also working towards overcoming a year-long injury and training for the Olympic Trials Marathon in February. This blog follows that story and beyond, however it may happen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day off and plan for the week

So I ended up deciding to take the day off and focus on a quick hip exercise routine. I also felt like having a chill morning and figured that I've run each of the past 6 days and I shouldn't get cocky and keep trying to push my body too hard and potentially end up setting myself back again. Reflecting back on the past week, and especially the weekend, I have a lot to be happy about. Many of my doubts and mental hang ups about my potential for full recovery were quelled or at least reduced. For the time being, I'm feeling pretty satisfied. I'm hoping this recent upswing is indicative of things to come, and I'll start to really feel like a real runner again. I also hope at some point that my progress will turn exponential and I'll be able to put all this behind me for good, to actually go out for a run where I'm not constantly obsessing over the relative state of my groin and hips. I'm close. I can sense it. 

After a day off today I'll probably resume my 20 minute runs tomorrow (that's what I did yesterday and the day before) and perhaps by the end of the week increase it to 30 minutes if things keep going well. I need to tell myself now that going beyond 30 minutes is not a smart idea this week, and actually write it down to hold myself accountable. See? There it is. If I go above that someone needs to comment and tell me to pull in the reigns. For the time being, at this current moment, I like the idea of feeling my way through the next few weeks--running for time, no heart rate, minimal attention to pace. Not going beyond 30 minutes is a good framework for this week.

I had a dream a couple nights ago where I was running so effortlessly and fast that I was launching into the air and basically flying down the road. I was bounding off curbs and launching myself into the air. It was sort of a combination of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and Sonic, if video game visuals help you at all. I remember waking up feeling "Yes, now I'm 100% better." Even for that one brief moment (before I realized the true reality of my situation) it was an amazing feeling and something I wish I could easily duplicate. If nothing else the dream might be saying something about a more positive shift in my subconscious. Before this I had mostly been experiencing doctors office dreams where they were telling me how I'll never be the same runner again and I'd need another surgery, blah blah blah. Not many warm fuzzies, lemme tell ya. 

About time for me to get ready for work... That happened quickly... 

Hope everyone has an enjoyable day. 


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