The Story

Distance running can be thankless, isolating, and physically debilitating. Why do it, then? I put in the work for those days when everything clicks into place, when my body seemingly forgets it's limits and the run becomes effortless. I'm also working towards overcoming a year-long injury and training for the Olympic Trials Marathon in February. This blog follows that story and beyond, however it may happen.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Day off

Today is a good one to take off. Feeling a little sore in my hip from yesterday-- could be one of a few things. 1) PT exercises I did yesterday. It's been a while since I've done that kind of thing, and they're geared specifically for lower core work. 2) My 5 mile run. This is a definite possibility too. I may have gone too fast. 3) There's also the possibility of the soreness stemming from the scar massaging I've been doing the past several days, though this is a more distant concern for me at this point. I've never done scar massage before.. It's a cringe-worthy endeavor, no doubt about it. I'm literally taking this scar healing cream and pressing deep into it and over the incision. Shit hurts! Obviously it's to break up the scar tissue, which will help me going forward. This doesn't help the fact that I'm a huge baby about it. 

PT appointment tomorrow. We'll see what happens... I'll post a longer update then.


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