The Story

Distance running can be thankless, isolating, and physically debilitating. Why do it, then? I put in the work for those days when everything clicks into place, when my body seemingly forgets it's limits and the run becomes effortless. I'm also working towards overcoming a year-long injury and training for the Olympic Trials Marathon in February. This blog follows that story and beyond, however it may happen.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

5 miles into Kittery

5.5 miles easy-moderate pace today. Went over the memorial bridge into Maine and ran a loop-- first time I've done that in a while. My groin felt good this morning when I woke up; otherwise I felt less than ideal after a fun night on the town with friends. After some lounging around in the morning, stomach issues subdued for the moment, I got myself going and was happy I did. I was feeling good enough that I needed to be careful not to get too carried away and start running too fast. Sometimes it's hard for me to slow down once I build up to a certain pace and feel good doing it, so I actively tried to check my speed in the first mile or so. It's always more fun to run fast, you know? I still ended up quicker than most of my runs lately. I averaged 6:52 pace with a 152 average hr. Little high on the hr side but that's to be expected given my fitness. I try and avoid this kind of thing, but back when I was training for Grandmas I would be running closer to 5:50 pace with a heart rate in that zone. Comparisons to my fittest, moment-in-the-sun-self bum me out a little, but also remind me how much I'm capable of once I'm healthy. There's so much room for improvement that I feel excited and annoyed at the same time. 

Anyway, once I got home I did 15 minutes of PT exercises that I found helpful pre-surgery. I hope they'll be even more helpful post-surgery to build up my core so I can handle running quicker paces. I need to continue to take it easy with my running and let the PT play itself out. 

Yesterday, in case you wanted to fill the gaps in my blogging life, I got out the door for 2 very easy miles just to shake the legs out. I tested out the NB Zante for the first time. They felt nice-- light, snappy, fast feeling for sure. I'll definitely keep them in the rotation going forward. 

Tomorrow I'll have to take much easier. As the day has gone on I can feel some soreness in my hip building up a bit. Might take the day off of running and focus on core stuff. We'll see. 


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