The Story

Distance running can be thankless, isolating, and physically debilitating. Why do it, then? I put in the work for those days when everything clicks into place, when my body seemingly forgets it's limits and the run becomes effortless. I'm also working towards overcoming a year-long injury and training for the Olympic Trials Marathon in February. This blog follows that story and beyond, however it may happen.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Sometimes I can't even believe how moody I can be when it comes to running. Yesterday was a serious "valley," so to speak. My hip was really hurting during my little four mile jog around town. I considered the possibility of needing to walk home if it got any worse. Dramatic, right? It's ridiculous. After the run I went for a short hike up Mt. Major with my friend Timmy but needed to turn around about half way up the mountain because my groin was bothering me too much and I didn't want to push it any farther. The trail was snowy and icy too which added to the strain on it. Coming back down the mountain without reaching the top was frustrating, but it was nice to walk in the woods regardless and I tried to focus my attention on that more than my chronically straining groin. I spent the better part of the evening moping around my house and feeling badly for myself. Sob sob sob. Boo hoo, ya know?

Anyway, take all that frustration and fast forward about 10 hours. I went for a run today, fully expecting carnage once again, but the pain never came. I did change my shoe choice and ran with a much quicker cadence, really focusing on form and protecting myself from overextending. I ended up going s full five miles with no pain to speak of. Averaged about 7:00 pace. Just like that my mental state was reversed. Obnoxious. 

Writing this now another few hours later I'm definitely feeling the dull pain again, but it's not freaking me out like it was yesterday, all because I was able to run pain free. I'm really hoping this is a sign of good things to come, but man what a head case I can be. 

Beautiful day though

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